Daily Free Food DeliveryA campaign to distribute free food daily, in which food is distributed to the poor and helpless people so that no one ever sleeps hungry nor has any problem related to hunger of any kind. Today, we are distributing food to 1.45+ lakh people every day so that everyone can get food according to their need.
Niwala has also become an institution. In which all these works are being done smoothly. Today the number of members in the Niwala family is increasing compared to previous years. Along with this, the number of people who donate for these people is also increasing. All donors are increasing day by day. Full credit for this is the result of the hard work of our volunteers and our workers.
Food is provided to poor and helpless people in the Niwala, along with it, things are distributed to those people and under a separate campaign. Such as blanket distribution, food distribution, bicycle distribution etc.